Social Media Strategy


Our main goal on social media is to promote the mission, vision and values while maintaining ministry excellence across all platforms representing Christ Place. In general, we follow the 80/20 rule. Eighty percent of posts should be about the brand and twenty percent of posts can be about anything else. Therefore, our social media presence is not meant to be a megaphone shouting announcements at people. Sometimes these are necessary, but that’s wOur main goal on social media is to promote the mission, vision, and values while maintaining ministry excellence across all platforms representing Christ Place. In general, we follow the 80/20 rule. Eighty percent of posts should be about the brand and twenty percent of posts can be about anything else. Therefore, our social media presence is not meant to be a megaphone shouting announcements at people. Sometimes these are necessary, but that’s where the twenty percent of posts come in. Our main Christ Place accounts promote Christ Place as a whole. These accounts will share content that shows off the various ministries and life at our the twenty percent of posts comes in. Our main Christ Place accounts promote Christ Place as a whole. These accounts will share content that show off the various ministries and life at our church.


  • Post once per day on the feed (this keeps your page relevant and in front of your audience with the Instagram algorithm)

  • Use stories to promote events (keep in mind that most people have the sound off, so if it’s a video you need captions explaining the details)

  • Use discretion on sharing stories from other users who tag your page


  • Post at least once per day, but multiple posts are okay on Facebook.

  • Always respond to messages (If you don’t know the answer, screenshot it and send it to your supervisor to find out the answer)

  • Encourage post sharing by creating captions/content that followers get excited about


  • Post multiple times in a day

  • Gather short quotes from Sunday messages to plug in throughout the week. We can add in other quotes from Pastors at Christ Place as well (Example: a staff devotion in the middle of the week, or midweek lesson for students).

  • Retweet other influential leaders or members (with discretion)


  • Stick to Christ Place photos/videos as much as possible. People can differentiate between stock photos and authentic photos.

  • Our audience responds the best to stories and celebratory posts. They want to connect with other members and see life change happening. This encourages and motivates our followers.


#ChristPlaceChurch - this is the main one I use
#ReachAndRaise #TheNextGeneration - I add these in depending on the content. I try to use other language from our mission/vision/values when needed.

RESOURCES has free photos
ProchurchMedia (follow on Instagram and use their website) - (this is a great article)